

Hard to diagnose. Even harder to live with. We’re here to help you manage the pain.

Over 830,000 people live with endometriosis in Australia.

That’s about 1 in 9 people assigned female at birth and tens of thousands of hospitalisations every year.

With a 7 year delay in diagnosis on average, endometriosis is widely misunderstood, underdiagnosed and underfunded.

an illustration of an uterus with Endometriosis. There are arrows pointing to the location where the endometrium, uterus and endometriosis are located

What is endometriosis exactly?

Contrary to popular belief, endometriosis (aka endo) is more than just pelvic pain. It’s a progressive, chronic condition that impacts the whole body.

When you have endo, cells that are similar to the lining of the uterus (aka the endometrium) grow elsewhere in the body, particularly the pelvis.

To be clear, endometriosis ≠ the endometrium.

Endometrium: The cells that form in the endometrium (uterus lining) shed when you have your period.

Endometriosis: The cells that form outside the uterus - which happens when you have endo - don’t shed with your period, they just stay there and keep building up over time.

This build up of cells outside the uterus leads to inflammation, scarring, cysts and even adhesions, whereby organs stick together in certain places. Oh, and it’s extremely painful. However, endometriosis is more than endo cells existing outside the uterus. It’s a complex interplay of cells, hormones and the immune system.

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease that’s affected by hormones, but not caused by hormones. On top of the debilitating pain, endo can also affect fertility, cause fatigue and seriously disrupt daily life.

How do I know if I have endometriosis?

Some of the most common symptoms include:

Very painful cramps
Chronic fatigue
Severe pain in the pelvis, lower back and down the legs
Digestive issues (nausea, constipation or diarrhoea)
Pain during or after sex
Pain when emptying the bladder
Difficulty conceiving
Abnormally heavy periods
Mood changes
Abdominal bloating (aka endo belly)
Painful bowel movements

As you can see, endometriosis symptoms vary significantly and are quite similar to those seen in other conditions such as IBS, PCOS, fibroids, or an STI. Cue delayed (or incorrect) diagnosis.

To make things even more difficult, right now the only definitive way to obtain a pathological diagnosis of endometriosis is by laparoscopy surgery. The time and cost associated with a laparoscopy - not to mention the notion of surgery itself - is a barrier for many.

While endometriosis is more common in those assigned female at birth, it can occur in men too. Only 20 cases have been reported in men, compared to 1 in 9 women worldwide, but even so, it is (quite painfully) possible.

How Hazel helps

Get comprehensive care for pain down there

Experts in Endometriosis

Doctors who have the knowledge to go beyond the surface to really understand you, your pain and how to help.

Comprehensive care plans

We’re combining the best of lifestyle, nutrition and medical expertise that merge to create comprehensive care plans tailored to you. No conventional, cookie-cutter solutions here.

Healthcare that listens

You know your body better than anyone and listening is key to accurate diagnoses, effective treatment and building trust. Our care providers have got your back and make decisions with you, not for you.

Get the care you deserve