Why did we create Hazel?

Because, like you, we know what it’s like trying to find help for our ‘female’-specific health issues.

We’ve been told again and again that our pain is  ‘normal’, just another part of ‘being a woman’, or that it was ‘all in our head’.  But the truth is, our pain isn’t a fact of life. We’ve just been told that it is.

The gender health gap is the phenomenon where our gender actually influences our healthcare experience.

And it’s because of this gap that more often than not, we are left in pain. Navigating through a stigmatised system that was not built for us, where our questions are left unanswered, our symptoms aren’t taken seriously, and our health concerns are dismissed.

As we turned to our friends, sisters, mothers, daughters and aunties, we recognised a shared reality in our experiences and the difficulties we face when it comes to accessing the care we need. And we refuse to continue to accept this as the norm.

That’s why we created Hazel

Australia’s first virtual interdisciplinary clinic dedicated to female pain. Because we all deserve to be heard, believed and respected.

We're on a mission to close the gender pain gap and to shine a light on under-studied, under-funded, and misunderstood women's health issues.

From first painful periods to navigating the complexities of conditions like endometriosis, and menopause and everything in between — we are bringing you comprehensive care for your pain down there.

Hazel is a place where your health concerns are valid.

You can tell it like it is and not worry about being brushed off or not believed. You can find equal access to treatment and care that allows you to live your happiest, healthiest, and most vibrant lives.

Because to shift the narrative and set a new standard of care, we all have to put our hands up and say enough is enough. That’s why Hazel is here.

We used our lived experiences, and the experiences of the menstruating people in our lives, to design the healthcare partner we’ve always wished for - a distinctly female-centric model of care that is convenient, collaborative and best of all, centred around you.

Because you know your body and pain best.

Grace, Kathleen & the Hazel Team

Grace, Kathleen
& the Hazel Team x

Meet our team of doctors, creators and people with periods.

Grace Tan
Kathleen To
Dr Melissa Catanzarite
Dr Jenita Kamania
Lauren Williams
Registered Nurse
Georgia Dannock-Price
Care Coordinator

What we stand for

Educating everyone
Equality in care
Empowering Patients